This Is Why Most People Are Ignoring Your Ads

There's a problem that I see recurring time and time again when speaking with clients. It’s something that many people tend to overlook.

It’s called WIIFM.

Don’t worry, it’s not some obscure technical term. WIIFM stands for: What’s In It For Me?

This is what’s on everyone’s mind when you’re talking to them whether you’re in a meeting, on the phone, or even when they’re scrolling through your latest ad.

Let me break it down for you.

It's Not About You

I sometimes get messages from people where they’ll say things like, “Hey, I’ve got this great idea. All I need is some money from you to get it off the ground.”

You know what’s wrong with that? It’s all about them.

It doesn’t even try to answer the one question I instinctively ask, “What’s in it for me?”

When you pitch a business idea, make a sale, or even start a conversation with someone, they aren’t thinking about your needs.

They’re thinking about theirs. And if you don’t show that you care about their goals, problems, or desires you’ve already lost them.

So, How Do You Flip the Script?

The solution is simple.

Ask yourself: What does your client, customer, or partner really care about? What’s their pain point? What problem can you solve for them?

It’s like dancing. You don’t just step on the floor and start spinning wildly. you’ve got to move with your partner, match their rhythm, and only then can you lead.

The Give and Take of Business

In the bible it says: “As you sow, so shall you reap.”

It’s basically saying if you want to get something, it’s up to you to take the first steps and sow the seeds.

Notice how it’s not “As you reap, so shall you sow”.

That’s not how the world works. There’s a very definitive order when it comes to giving and taking.

You’ve got to plant the seeds, invest time and effort into understanding and helping others, before you can expect any kind of return.

Talk soon,


P.S Curious about how I would do your marketing?

Get in touch with us today. If we’re a good fit I will take a look at your company and your marketing, come up with a strategy of what I’d do differently and discuss it with you in depth on a call.

If you want to work together I’ll tell you exactly how that works, if you don’t want to work together that’s fine too. No hard selling, no pressure, no annoying sales tactics.

Sounds good? Then fill out this for me:

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