Getting Their Attention with This One Simple Marketing Strategy

One of the biggest struggles as a business owner is getting noticed in a sea of other businesses. 


The common theme of an online ad is usually a business describing how great they are and why you should buy from them. 


The biggest problem with these ads is that they fail to reach and grab their customers' attention.  


The reason for this is:  


  1. They try and appeal to everyone that sees the ad. 
  2. Everyone else does the same thing.  


So, what can we do to cut through the clutter and get their attention? 


You need to stand out. In a good way, of course. 


Let me show you how. 


I have used this example before, and I'm going to use it again:  


Picture a busy train station. People are everywhere, it’s crowded, noisy, chaotic. And let’s say you HAD to get my attention.  


How would you do it?  


You could start asking people one by one if they had seen me. But there’s hundreds of them, so that’s not practical.  


You could yell and hope you’d spot me in the crowd. But most people would probably just think you’re off your rocker and ignore it. You might even get hauled off by the police.  


The best way to get my attention?  


Shout my name. 


If we apply this logic when advertising, instead of making an ad that tries to appeal to everyone you need to focus on a very specific group of people that have the highest chance of buying from you. 


Here is an example:  


A chiropractor should ask something like, "Does your back hurt?" to connect with potential customers. 


Show your audience that you understand and can solve their specific problems. 


And don't be afraid to narrow your focus. Speaking directly to your most likely customers helps increase the chances of them buying massively.  


If you want to see what we can do for your business reach out today.  


Talk soon,  



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